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Pre-Registration Instructions

Contact with questions.

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year with HOPE Academy

This proves to be an exciting year for our HOPE Community with fun new classes, exciting productions, various events and scheduled field trips ahead. We look forward to seeing many of our returning families along with meeting our numerous families joining us this year. 


To be as efficient and time-saving as possible, Pre-Registration is now open. Below are simple steps to facilitate smoother registration days in August. With

Registration Days  9am-2pm

Last Name Beginning with A-L Wednesday, August 9

Last Name Beginning with M-Z Thursday, August 10

Families are welcome to register either day if you are unable to make your assigned day. Unable to make either day? Please contact us to make arrangements.

the Pre-Registration Steps completed and all your paperwork ready to submit on your assigned day, registration will move along quickly for your family. It will be a busy day along with student class schedule approval, fees to be collected, pre-ordered Curriculum/Books, and any unclaimed 2021-2022 HOPE Academy Yearbooks distributed. Families are also expected to sign up for their Volunteer Positions. If there any questions, you can get answers, the more prepared you are, the smoother registration will go.


We recommend that parents familiarize themselves with the school attendance, school closure, and other school policies, which can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook (link).  All parents of Secondary students, please familiarize yourself with Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Your user name for Jeffco Connect and Infinite Campus are the same.


HOPE Academy will now have a school supply list for Elementary age students. On the first day of school Secondary Teachers will notify students of any supplies needed for the school year, or throughout the year as well.

CE & WT Families

All Concurrent Enrollment and Warren Tech students who will not be attending classes at our HOPE Academy Campus, please follow these two simple steps for Pre-Registration and for Registration!


  1. Follow the “Online Jeffco Connect” instructions. There is no need to come to the school building for Registration.


  2. Email Jewel Regier if you do NOT want to be part of the school directory.


3. The only following forms that are necessary are the Code of Conduct Agreement and Use of Internet Agreement.

Forms for Registration

Click on the underlined portions to download the required documents. Print as needed. 


1. One per student, grades 4-12: Use of Internet Agreement and 

Cell Phone Use Agreement


2. One per student with a valid driver's license: Parking Agreement and Driving On and Off Campus


3. One per 10th-12th grade student if parents so choose: Off-Campus Privileges.


4. One per 6th-12th grade student who will walk to/from school or use public transportation: Walk On/Off Campus.


5. The Economic Survey for the 2022-23 school year is not available currently. When the survey becomes available, HOPE will let our families know. HOPE does not offer Free or Reduced Lunch but if a family qualifies a discount on fees will be considered.

Fee Sheet

This is provided to help you estimate student fees. Sheets will be completed after schedule is finalized at registration. HOPE Academy does NOT have the ability to do online payments nor credit card payments. Please ignore any fee payment requests that offer online payments. We do accept cash or checks made payable to CAC. Please be prepared to make payments at registration.

Online Jeffco Connect: All Families/Students

All parents/guardians must provide an “electronic signature” for each student after July 1st of each school year.


     1. Log into Jeffco Connect, complete all required fields, verify that the data is accurate and/or updated. Be sure to check all information and preferences for EACH student; they are considered separate records. If you need assistance signing into Jeffco Connect, contact the HOPE Academy Office at 303-431-0796 and leave a message or email. Do NOT make a new account if you have an existing account.


      2. For each student, check the list on the left to see what's missing. Once they are checked, click on submit.

Clinic Paperwork & Immunizations

Click on the underlined portions to download the documents. These clinic forms are also included on the Health page under the Parents/Students tab.


1. Each returning student: Health Inventory Form (new students have already completed this).


2. One per returning student with personal immunization exemptions: Personal Immunization Exemption.


3. One per new student with a medical immunization exemption: Medical Immunization Exemption.


4. Students who: a) plan to carry medicines (including Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen or Midol),                                               

     b)plan to have medicines in the clinic,

     c)have medical plans must each complete the proper forms located HERE.


5. One per returning family: Code of Conduct Agreement (new families have already completed this form).

Volunteer SignUp with SignUp Genius

Please contact Rachel Regier at for more information.


On the Parents/Students draw down menu, click on Parent Volunteer Opportunities to make your choices! Each family is required to volunteer a minimum of 25 hours. If you have other suggestions for volunteering outside of what is listed, please contact Rachel Regier or suggestions are welcomed at Registration Day. A $250.00 opt out is available.

Sponsored by Collegiate Academy


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Our Mission: To provide professional support, curriculum, and resources for K-12 students allowing the successful partnership between home and a school environment.
Our Vision: Students, both traditional and homeschooled, through unique pathways, attain educational excellence leading to college or the workplace.

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